Convince Your Boss Pack

Would you love to come to Purpose Conference but don’t know how to convince your company to pay for it? We’re here to help!

One of the best ways to get across the conference is by joining one of our weekly Zoom briefings - Dates to be announced

You’ll meet the team behind the conference and get up to speed on key themes such as:  

  • Net zero and the next big questions: ‘where to now?' and ‘how’?

  • The evolution of corporate sustainability and social impact

  • Why purpose-driven businesses are beating their competition

  • If you’re still struggling to translate the program and speakers into something relevant for your work and get that tick to come to Purpose, here is some suggested wording that you could use in an email to get them over the line.

    Dear …

    I’d like to use my learning and development budget, (or another available training or business development budget), for FY23 to attend Purpose Conference — 8-9 November 2023 at Carriageworks.

    Purpose is a conference with a focus on delivering cutting-edge innovation and knowledge to organisations and their people that want to use sustainability and social impact business principles to thrive in a volatile and changing world.

    It brings together purpose-driven entrepreneurs, teams, agitators and advocates for change. It is capped at 600 professionals and I believe it will be enormously beneficial to both my personal development as well as the future growth of our business.

    You can view:

    • The full program here
    • A list of teams and brands attending here.


  • Include what is most relevant to you and your organisation.

    Leap ahead of the pack Purpose goes to the heart of strategic risk and financial imperatives as organisations reconfigure after the pandemic. Being across all the elements of purpose gives us a critical edge as we move forward.

    • Position our business for growth Deloitte says that a company’s “purpose” makes it “more valuable, focused, and resilient”. Purpose would allow me to bring these principles into practice.

    • Stay at the forefront of the planet-positive movement Purpose helps position businesses, and our team, to take advantage of the most impactful and socially important shifts taking place in business and government.

    • Learn critical skills to enhance team performance Purpose Conference tackles mindfulness, leadership, communication, branding, marketing, customer experience and scaling. Our team would benefit significantly from visionary thinking in these areas.

    • Walk the talk on sustainability Purpose Conference is specifically designed to enhance the development of sustainability and purpose professionals, through practical upskilling sessions and inspirational speakers. If we’re serious about these areas, Purpose helps us develop those abilities.

    • Network with future leaders Purpose would allow me to meet and learn from the leaders of tomorrow, while networking for partnerships and business development with senior decision-makers in the sector.

  • As well as these benefits that you can tell your boss about, here’s a few ways to introduce your email or find the best person to ask for your two-days off and ticket.

    • Does your workplace have a focus on purpose, social impact and sustainability? Ask them to walk the talk by allowing you to attend the conference.

    • Do you have a specific learning and development budget attached to your role? Approach the L&D team in your organisation with the list of reasons you need to be skilling up on purpose.

    • Is there a key executive or sustainability champion in the organisation? Approach them and ask if they’ll help sponsor your attendance or draft an email supporting your L&D submission.

    • Does your workplace encourage corporate volunteering? Purpose has a number of volunteering opportunities over the two-days or perhaps you could use your volunteer time to attend Purpose?

  • • Don’t forget to attach a pack with all the details.

    • If your boss likes quotes, a recent report from Deloitte’s titled “How purpose delivers value: The power of an authentic purpose across functions and the enterprise” said:

    “A company’s purpose — its “why” in the eyes of its stakeholders — is the best framework to keep focused on long-term value and to navigate complex risks. It makes the company more valuable, focused, and resilient.”

    • You could make it super relevant to today by including this story in Forbes published in February: “The Rise Of The Chief Purpose Officer”.