Grace Tame — Advocate, author & Australian of the Year 2021

About Grace
Since being announced Australian of the Year in January 2021, Grace has become a household name as a brave and passionate advocate for systemic change to prevent child sexual abuse.impact within her sphere of influence.
She was the first female in Tasmania to be granted the right to speak under her own name about her personal experience of sexual abuse as a child. Grace appeared as part of the #LetHerSpeak campaign (run by sexual assault campaigner and Walkley award winning journalist Nina Funnell). Funnell’s campaign - run in partnership with News Corp, Marque Lawyers and End Rape On Campus Australia, advocated for legislative change to grant all survivors the right to publicly self-identify without having to go through the financial and emotional cost of a Supreme Court application. The campaign partners performed Grace’s legal work for her, and she was the lead case study in the campaign.
Since then, Grace has used her voice to raise awareness of the impacts of grooming and the other various injustices faced by child sex abuse survivors.