Jarin Baigent — CEO & Founder, Jarin Street & Trading Blak

About Jarin

Jarin is the owner of Jarin Street. 100% Aboriginal owned and run activewear brand creating the highest quality, eco-friendly mats and other products featuring Aboriginal artwork. Creating sustainable income for community through artist paid royalties for all products sold.

She is a Wiradjuri woman born and raised in Sydney with her family from Cowra, NSW. She has 3 young children and is blessed to also be a step-mother to her (soon to be) husband's 3 older children. She has spent her life working in and for community. 

  • ​She began Jarin Street after seeing too many family and friends not being honoured or respected appropriately for their art. So she decided to be a safe person for artists to work with.

    Jarin wanted to create a pathway for all people to connect to Aboriginal artworks through their choice of well-being practices via movement by featuring our art and stories on mats and apparel.

    ​She stands for self-determination and economic independence for Aboriginal people and has built Jarin Street on this ethos.

    Jarin wants to create sustainable futures for our children.