Julia Kay — Founder & CEO, Great Wrap

About Julia & Great Wrap
From a young age Julia was drawn to all things material and design which led her to a career in architecture. Over the past decade she worked in the Architecture industry where her experience took her throughout Australia and Europe designing local galleries through to schools.
Working in the construction industry was a real eye opener for her as she saw copious amounts of waste with no clear solution in sight. For someone who grew up caring deeply for the landscape around her this was a disturbing sight to see, she couldn’t believe the amount of waste the everyday business was churning through and knew something needed to be done.
It didn’t take much time to discover that in Australia alone we send 150,000 tonnes of stretch wrap to landfill every year and that unfortunately there wasn’t a solution to the problem.
With all of this in mind, in 2019, Julia Co-founded Great Wrap with her husband Jordy Kay, a company that set out to design their way out of the plastics pandemic we’re living in, through material innovation. Today Great Wrap manufactures stretch wrap from food waste for homes and businesses at their ever evolving solar powered factory on the Mornington Peninsula.
The next decade for Julia will be vastly different to the previous and it will be completely driven by the impact her business has on the planet and generations to come.
Jordy Kay, Co-Founder of Great Wrap
Jordy Kay is the Co-Founder of Great Wrap, a start-up offering a solution to one of the world’s biggest industrial waste challenges with the only certified compostable and biodegradable stretch wrap made in Australia.
With a passion for saving our environment and an entrepreneurial spirit, Jordy’s goal is to remove one million tonnes of plastic from the planet as soon as possible, with Great Wrap’s ground-breaking industrial stretch wrap.
Prior to founding Great Wrap, Jordy was a winemaker with over 10 years’ experience in the industry. His love for winemaking started from the age of 15 while living and working at wineries on the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria. At age 24, Jordy started his own natural label, Chèvre by Jordy Kay, which was when he became increasingly aware of the environmental impact of wineries.
Jordy witnessed the devastating amount of plastic wrap being used to cover pallets of wine without an eco-friendly alternative and set out to create a plastic-free solution. He’s spent months researching, consulting and testing to develop the plastic-free wrap, successfully trialling a biodegradable iteration in 2019, that uses plant-based technology and breaks down within 180 days of entering a compost pile.
About Great Wrap
We saw a materials revolution happening around us. Everything was changing rapidly; energy, transport, and agriculture, yet plastic stayed the same. We knew the technology existed to put an end to plastic waste but there weren’t any products available on the market for us to use. That’s when Great Wrap was born. We invented the products we knew the world was missing so we can dump plastic once and for all. We are driven by impact, fuelled by demand, and have a 10-year vision for a world where plastic doesn’t exist.
Since the launch, Great Wrap has gone through significant growth and has now established a manufacturing facility on the Mornington Peninsula and in Tullamarine in Victoria. Great Wrap manufactures compostable cling wrap for homes and businesses, including home cling wrap, catering wrap, pallet wrap, and pallet toppers. Great Wrap is on a mission to remove the 150,000 tonnes of plastic stretch wrap sent to Australia’s landfill each year.