Lorenn Ruster — Responsible Tech Collaborator, Centre for Public Impact

About Lorenn
Lorenn Ruster is a PhD Candidate at the Australian National University's School of Cybernetics and Responsible Tech Collaborator at the Centre for Public Impact. Working with early stage AI startups, her research focuses on what the development of dignity-centred Artificial Intelligence systems may look like in practice.
Lorenn Ruster is a social justice-driven professional, interested in the intersection of technology, cross-sector collaboration, impact, systems change and dignity. For 10 years, Lorenn was a strategy consultant, most recently a Director at PricewaterhouseCooper’s Indigenous Consulting, working on projects spanning human rights, Indigenous co-design, collective impact and creating learning organisations. She's also an Acumen Global Fellow where she spent a year working with a Ugandan Solar Energy company as their Marketing and Innovation Director and an alumnus of Singularity University's Global Solutions Program where she prototyped a social enterprise leveraging sensor technology for community-led landmine detection. In addition to her Masters in Applied Cybernetics from SoCy, she holds a Masters in International Management (CEMS MIM) from the University of Sydney, Copenhagen Business School and HEC Paris as well as a Bachelor of Science (Adv)/ Bachelor of Arts majoring in Chemistry, Psychology and French.