Lucy Piper — Director at WorkForClimate

About Lucy

After a decade in the corporate sector, working within a climate progressive business, Lucy wants to help build the climate movement inside the corporate sector and get more businesses around the world to decarbonise, faster.

  • WorkforClimate’s mission is to help you 10x your climate impact, by showing you how to deliver the most significant decarbonisation initiatives within your corporation.

    If you care about the climate, you're probably already doing what you can to reduce your impact. But we know that it's going to take systemic change to transform the way we live and transition to a renewable energy, zero emissions future. So how do we connect our actions as individuals to this systems shift that needs to happen? What if you could apply the same changes you make in your own life, to the company you work for?

    Imagine that instead of just switching your own electricity to Greenpower, you could convince your corporation to switch their entire operations to 100% renewable energy? You just shifted the system, congratulations!

    WorkforClimate gives you clear, step-by-step playbooks that help you influence and accelerate your company's decarbonisation initiatives. You'll have access to the tools, support and community that will help you become an effective change-maker inside your corporation. So sign up today for free and learn how you can amplify your impact.