Dr Manuri Gunawardena Founder & CEO, HealthMatch — Founder & CEO, HealthMatch
About Manuri
Dr Manuri Gunawardena founded HealthMatch in 2017, after witnessing first hand the challenges of patients looking to gain access to clinical trials.
In her final years of medical school, she worked in neuro-oncology research particularly focussed on Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) tumours, an incurable and aggressive form of brain cancer.
At the lab Manuri came to learn of two young people, both in their thirties, with the same diagnosis. A young man and a young woman, in the prime of their lives.
The woman’s father was a doctor, so he was able to effectively navigate the medical system, working tirelessly to get her onto a trial. She’s alive today. Unfortunately Manuri was told this story from the young man’s parents after he had passed away, who had wished they had known of trials as an option.
Manuri found it incredibly frustrating seeing how difficult it was for researchers to find appropriate patients, and how reliant patients were on their doctors having knowledge. She became resolute in finding a solution for connecting patients to clinical trials. Believing, knowledge of treatment options should not be limited by geography or access to leading specialists.
HealthMatch is about empowering patients to not only understand their treatment options, but gain access. Every person deserves this and by reaching the largest audience as a global community we all benefit from fast-tracked new medicines.