Matt Wicking — Artist, Facilitator & Activist
About Matt
An experienced facilitator and musician, Matt's gift is drawing meaning from complexity, and communicating in articulate and enchanting ways. He works with progressive groups, helping them amplify their impact via his freelance practice, Cloud Catcher, and makes music with his band, The General Assembly.
‘Cloud catching’ is the craft of drawing meaning from complexity, identifying patterns, and uncovering common ground. A recent feature, '12 Australian Thinkers You Should Know About', said: "As a musician, writer, presenter and facilitator his gift is making complex ideas simple and beautiful. An experience with Matt [is of a] master facilitator, an enthraller of crowds and an enchanting musician." (Wildwon, 2017)
Previous roles include: Lead Facilitator of the Centre for Sustainability Leadership Fellowship program; Greenie-in-Residence at Arts House; Comms Advisor at the Bureau of Meteorology; environmental educator with Monash Sustainable Development Institute; and many years as a sustainability consultant.