The Purpose & Power Of The Corporation

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We've come a long way, but being truly "purpose-led" or "purpose-driven" is still a long way away for many businesses and broader responsibilities can fall away if deemed to challenging to a board or a business model.

Hosted by Andrew Davies - CEO of B Corporation ANZ

The 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer report revealed an increasing demand and expectation on business to lead on societal issues as trust in Government and media continues a downward spiral. As we know, businesses has long been expected to be responsible corporate citizens but given that "societal leadership is now a core function of business" - is business capable of fulfilling this role?

My life purpose was to make a playfield for everyone to thrive, regardless of where or whom to they were born to.
— Anne Ascharsobi, Amazon Web Services
  • We invited attendees to this session who are in companies which are still in the process of becoming purpose-oriented to explore these challenges and learn from those who are further along the journey.

    • Read more about Andrew Davies, Richard Boele, Nicole Sparshott, Anne Ascharsobi

Meet the Presenters

Andrew Davies
B Lab Australia & NZ

Richard Boele
Chief Purpose Officer,

Nicole Sparshott
Unilever ANZ

Anne Ascharsobi
APJ Sustainability Innovation Leader, Amazon Web Services